Personal Projects! 

Equities Strategy Dashboard
Finance Project

Equities Strategy Dashboard

Enhancing a trader's dashboard within the Equities team, enabling them to input data for monitoring a new trading strategy. The project entails interfacing with financial data feeds, performing necessary calculations,and utilizing JPMorgan's Perspective software to visualize and analyze real-time data, aligning with user requirements.

Real-Time Body Language Recognition
AI Project

Real-Time Body Language Recognition

This project utilizes Mediapipe and OpenCV to create a real-time body language recognition system, using a trained machine learning model to classify gestures from webcam data and display results on the live feed. It identifies and traces facial, hand, and body pose landmarks in webcam streams, subsequently utilizing trained machine learning models to classify and exhibit recognized body language gestures in real-time, offering immediate insights into individuals'nonverbal communication signals.

Personal Portfolio Website
Personal Website

Personal Portfolio Website

Built a portfolio website by leveraging Next.js for dynamic page rendering, Tailwind CSS for efficient styling, and Framer Motion for fluid animations. The integration of responsive layouts, optimized image handling, and seamless transitions

Cookbook Recipe App
Food App

Cookbook Recipe App

Developed an application that enables users to curate and share their personalized recipes while exploring a diverse array of culinary creations from others. Serving as a food based socialplatform, the application was built using MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js to facilitate seamless recipe storage, sharing, and discovery.